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Gaming at your own pace

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@mont86 mentioned recently that he likes to play at his own pace, and prefers single player games for that reason.

That hadn’t occurred to me, but it is one of the reasons I probably like single player games too. Though in MMOs, I think you often can do a lot of things at your own pace, if you aren’t always interacting with others (how true this is would depend on the game).

It made me curious about what everyone’s “pace” is like with games.

I can tell you I am really, really, really slow. Like, I’m that gamer who stops and examines every single detail in a room before moving on, and who sometimes just stands around and soaks in ambiance and pretends I am in a place.

I imagine watching me game can be tremendously boring if I really get into that zone. So there are games I will play with people or with them watching me, but there are some I prefer playing entirely by myself. I am pretty sure watching me examine the design elements of every poster in BioShock in exhaustive detail would be a drag for anyone else =D

What is your gaming pace like? Fast, slow, somewhere in the middle?

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On 11/28/2019 at 4:43 AM, mont86 said:

Have you ever played online Stacy ? I kinda wanna try it .. but have to admit I'm just as happy offline..

I used to MUD a lot. It wasn't bad from a pacing standpoint at all, since you can spend a lot of time on your own if you want.  

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