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Square Enix Delays FF7 Remake To Compete With Cyberpunk 2077

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Well it turns out this is a non issue since Cyberpunk 2077 had just been delayed to September.


I'm actually very relieved, I don't my wallet could take having these two coming out around the same time!

Edited by Crazycrab
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On 1/16/2020 at 2:38 PM, Crazycrab said:

Well it turns out this is a non issue since Cyberpunk 2077 had just been delayed to September.


I'm actually very relieved, I don't my wallet could take having these two coming out around the same time!

I wonder if they'd be stupid enough to delay FF7 remake until September...

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I saw post on a different website stating that it is possible that Cyberpunk was delayed because it wasnt running well on the base Xbox One, apparently the game demands a lot of power from the consoles and the original Xbox One couldnt handle it, so thats why the game was delayed.

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