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The Blackangel

Completely Pointless Things In Games

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How often do you guys come across something that is completely pointless to the point you think the developers were drunk when they put it in the game? Anything at all? Item, landmark, character, building design, whatever. The first one that comes to mind for me Is 2 rooms in the castle in Zelda A Link To The Past. The pics below show what I'm talking about. I just want to know what, exactly, they were thinking when they wrote those rooms into the game. Was there a quota they had to meet? Please tell me there was, because this shit just doesn't make any sense.





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I know similar things like this which are tangent in games like serious sam, assasins creed. And I think a lot of people don't even know those things are there for what reasons. I think sometimes a lot of things are added in more of exploratory and for a change approach. 

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In the Dragon Age games, there is some kind of running joke involving cheese—huge cheese wheels in conspicuous locations, weird cheese references (someone saying that a cheese “tastes of despair” or something like that at a party), and at one point, a functional shield which is quite literally a block of cheese. I have no idea what the origin of these cheese jokes is.

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