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Completionists, do you stubbornly finish boring quests and areas?

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Yes. Even if I've already played the game to completion before, because I have problems. And I'm a numbers girl at heart, and I can't stand to see 59/60 or something in my quest log.
Also, I'm poor and can't afford to buy new games a lot of the time, so I have to get as much as I can out of the ones I have.

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My fiancee has a tendency to get about 95% of the way through the main campaign and then simply abandon the game because she gets bogged down by all of the sidequests she insists on finishing.  For this reason, I still haven't seen the ending of "Dragon Quest XI," "Horizon Zero Dawn" and  "Fallout 4". 

I, on the other hand, am usually plenty satisfied by completing the main quest and moving on.  I like the idea of leaving sidequests uncompleted and secrets undiscovered so that there's still something new for me to see if I decide to replay the game at a later date.

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The reason completionists do what they, at least to me, is very simple. Pride and accomplishment. And not the fake, EA trying to justfy lookboxes to in Star Wars Battlefront 2 kind of pride and accomplishment, the real kind. I'm not something I'm desperately bothered with, I've only ever earned one platinum trophy (or equivalent), but I always try to at least beat a main story. Still, completionists I really feel deserve a certain amount of respect, especially if it's a frustrating, unsatisfying game. That takes a level of discipline most of as lack.

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On 1/7/2021 at 8:05 PM, killamch89 said:

I get it Mont but some games are so unbearable that you have a very strong urge to stop playing them after a while even if you didn't finish them.

Yeah and the games are play are limited to only a couple..

A lot of games don't appeal to me..

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