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Assassin's Creed Tribute

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I know there have been many different discussions about the different Assassin's Creed titles, but I want to have a general discussion about any and all AC games from the first to Valhalla and future plans you wish they would do. Anything at all that comes to your mind whether love or hate, pics and videos, and an overall tribute to the series. I personally haven't played anything before Brotherhood, but thinking about getting the Ezio Collection that has AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations remastered; I also want the AC3 remastered. I have the rest on up including Valhalla, but haven't started that one yet and I'm getting really excited about it. I want to finish Odyssey first. I'm just taking my time with it cause I like it so much. 

I don't know what future plans they have, but I would really like Japan, China, or Mongol environments. I wouldn't have to travel anywhere if I had all the AC games! I don't know what really makes me like the series so much, but I do love exploration and different cultures. AC gives me a good dose. 



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It is a great game that teaches you some things about other places. It is not my genre, as I do not like those kind of adventure games, but it was fun playing some at my friends place. The next expansion I think it will be China if they manage to make it so that the Chinese gov doesn't close their share in China.

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China would be a great setting for the series. It is a huge country and it has really beautiful landscapes. The culture is intriguing and very ancient. Don't know how far back they would want to go. I can already imagine cool gear and villages spread out in all terrain. And the wildlife, I wonder what animals you would be able to tame. I know there is AC Chronicles China, but I think it is a smaller game and not that popular. Since Ghost of Tsushima came out which has the Japanese setting, then China would most likely be a better bet for AC. But I'm all for a Japanese samurai AC too!

I think the game is better to play alone so you can explore and immerse. 

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Initially, I hated AC. I hated all the bullshit at the beginning of AC1. It took forever and seemed to never end. I finally said fuck it, and gave up. I year or two later I decided to give the series another shot, but instead tried AC3 this time as I had AC1-3. This time I loved it. The game is awesome. I don't know enough about the game to point out any specifics as I'm not very far into it, and to be honest, have gotten sidetracked by getting into other games. But I'm planning on getting back into it here soon.

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That's cool! A lot of people really like those past series 1-3 and the Ezio protagonist in AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations. AC3, AC2, and Brotherhood usually rank pretty high in the series. While I absolutely love everything from Black Flag on up, I am currently enjoying Brotherhood and really want to try AC3. But I want the remastered on ps4.  I think the original players of the series drew a line from those past games up to Black Flag (AC4) and everything else after. Black Flag I guess was the middle ground between past and present players. I imagine AC3 would be a kick ass place to start the series, as you would still have the classic feel. I'm really itching to get AC3 soon. 

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I was just watching youtube videos of it last night! To me it does look cool. I've never played it but does seem to have a lot in common with Black Flag as you get a ship, but different setting. I think you should go by the environment or culture you want to play in. Syndicate may not have great reviews, but the London environment looks cool to me. Even though the newer Valhalla I think has has that environment too. I love Italy and AC2 takes place in Italian cities. Since you got AC3 that might be a good place to start. I'm trying to decide whether to get AC3 for $6 on ps3 or for $20 on ps4. I saw comparisons and the ps4 version does look better. 

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I asked about Rogue, because at the moment there's a bundle sale on Switch for it and Black Flag for $20. It's 50% off. The sale ends on the 21st, so I'm snatching it up.


It also has an expansion pack that's a free download at the moment.

Edited by The Blackangel
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I got the Ezio collection which includes AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations and some DLC all remastered. I've been really curious about the older stuff and I love Italy which is where AC2 starts. I just got it today and started playing AC2 tonight and really loving it! From here I am going to play all the Assassin's Creed games. I'm hooked. 

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