Glider Re-Deploy in Fortnite Is Here to Stay

Epic Games has just published an important announcement regarding the Fortnite glider re-deploy feature. Originally introduced in Soaring 50’s, the re-deploy feature has been available in every Fortnite game mode during a week-long testing period. Based on those results, Epic Games says that the feature is here to stay.

Player Feedback Informed Epic Games’ Decision to Keep Glider Re-Deploy

In their October 31st update (see the link above), Epic Games reported that, “During this time [the testing week] we’ve been collecting internal data and monitoring constructive feedback from all of you. We understand that not all players agree with this change, but we would like to continue with this functionality in the game based on the positive results we’ve been seeing.”

Since Epic Games will be keeping the re-deploy feature, the developer will be improving its “quality of life.” This will take place through a series of updates. The first will involve boosting glider audio above weapon audio. There is no word yet on what the rest of the updates might entail.

Players Are Divided Over Fortnite Glider Re-Deploy

Glider re-deploy is quite controversial. It impacts game play in a number of respects. It is pretty subjective whether they are positives or negatives. Players typically are grateful to re-deploy for preventing storm damage. Nonetheless, they criticize it since it reduces the level of strategic challenge involved with building. Where you weigh in probably depends a lot on your play style and what you are looking to get out of Fortnite.

Hopefully some of the updates which Epic Games has referenced will help to balance out the feature a bit. Ideally, its pros will eventually clearly outweigh its cons. For now, love it or hate it, it is part of Fortnite. It will remain such for the indefinite future.

Because the re-deploy feature is intended as a long-term change to the game, Epic is still looking for feedback to make it even better. Have anything to say, good or bad? Make sure to write Epic Games to let the developers know your thoughts.