Hitman 2 Hidden House Key: Where to Find the Under the Mat Key in Hawke’s Bay

The very first level in the game can stump you because of the Hitman 2 hidden house key. The first mission in Hawke’s Bay is meant to be a tutorial of sorts that teaches you the game’s systems. However, that doesn’t mean it’s actually easy to do. In fact, one of the earliest objectives is to find the key into the house.

You obviously need access to the house in order to kill your target. Unfortunately, finding the Hitman 2 hidden house key is a challenge in and of itself. For one, the challenge is titled “Under the Mat” but there’s no mat (or key) to be found nearby. This makes getting in the quick and easy way harder than the other routes. But that’s where we come in.

Where to Find the Hitman 2 Hidden House Key

Hitman 2 hidden house key

Here’s what you need to do. Of course, don’t allow yourself to be discouraged by the trickery of the mat. Worse still, the key actually doesn’t really have anything to do with the front door. Where you actually need to head to is away from the front door and towards the pool room of the house.

What you are going to want to do is head through the doors into the pool area. Once inside the pool area, you are going to want to go to the vase that is sitting in the corner. Inside this vase, you will find the Hitman 2 hidden house key. With it, you’ll be able to open the door in there to access the rest of the house.

Though misleading, that’s all you need to know about the Hitman 2 hidden house key. From there, you can decide how you want to go about assassinating your first target. There are several options you have to take out Alma Reynard in Hawke’s Bay.