How the Classic Nuketown Map Works in Call of Duty: Mobile

Of all of the many maps which have featured in the Call of Duty franchise since it began, Nuketown may well be the most well-known, and the most iconic. The map has featured in every iteration of the Black Ops series, and so, it’s not at all surprising that there is now a Call of Duty: Mobile Nuketown version. However, Mobile’s gameplay does result in a few tweaks and changes to the renowned map.

The Call of Duty: Mobile Nuketown Map

“The locale is a National Security Site in a top-secret location within the State of Nevada,” explains Activision; “This mock town acts as the nuclear testing grounds for classified weapons, but for this battle, it is a battleground for team tactical warfare.”

Call of Duty Mobile Nuketown Map 2

The Call of Duty: Mobile Nuketown map’s small size does, of course, encourage a frenetic pace of combat. While it isn’t as dense as some other urban maps, the indoor areas do still encourage close-quarters combat in much the same way. As such, close-range loadouts should perform well here. Of course, there is a place for longer-range firepower in Nuketown; specifically, the sight-lines offered by the yards which run alongside the houses, as well as the upstairs windows. Of course, any snipers will have be careful to watch their backs.

Scorestreaks are a big part of successful play on the Mobile version of Nuketown. Aerial Scorestreaks can cause severe damage if deployed well, as they mow down exposed enemies or drive them inside; potentially into ambushes if you have a well-coordinated team. UAVs are also valuable here, as the small map size increases the effective benefits they provide. Of course, if you’re facing enemies using aerial Scorestreaks, try using a SAM Turret to counter them. Just be sure to place it somewhere where it can be protected and away from the fast-paced heart of the map.