Madden 21 Passing Guide: How to Throw the Ball Away and Scramble in Madden 21

In terms of the Madden 21 passing game, they’ve changed things up a bit when it comes to the defense pressuring the quarterback. If you’re controlling the QB and the defense gets to you, they can disrupt your throw more than in Madden 20. For example, a hit as you’re releasing the ball may affect how it’s thrown. That said, we’ve got your guide for how to throw the ball away in Madden 21, to avoid any mishaps.

Madden 21 Passing guide: How to throw the ball away

Much of the Madden 21 passing is like what gamers are used to from the previous version of the game. For example, various buttons on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One controller match up to specific receivers you can choose to throw to. You can also double-tap on any of the receiver buttons to Pump Fake the ball.

However, you may find that coverage is tight on all your receivers, so there’s no options available. If you’re using a quarterback who isn’t exactly known for scrambling or mobility, the best option could be getting rid of the ball.

To throw the ball away, press the Right Stick in on PS4 or Xbox One. This will make your QB throw the ball out of bounds to the sidelines. You’ll lose a down but won’t lose the ball via fumble or interception. If you do it right, you also won’t lose any yards.

A word of caution with that, though. If your QB is outside the tackle box when they throw the ball away, you’ll probably get an intentional grounding call. That could mean a heavy penalty in terms of added yards.

How to scramble with your quarterback

Another good option to have with your quarterback is being able to scramble in Madden 21. This will help you elude potential defenders who could sack your QB or cause a mishap. Of course, if you have a QB like Lamar Jackson, scrambling away and then taking off down the field is also a great option.

To scramble in Madden 21, you need to hold the R2 button on the PS4 controller along with the Left Stick for directing your QB. For Xbox One, that’s the Right Trigger (RT) and Left Stick. On a PC, it’s usually the Shift key or Right Mouse Button.

You can do this as soon as your QB receives the snap to activate them as a runner with ball carrier moves. You can also perform this after evaluating the field to realize there are no good receiver options.

In the video below, Mahomes simply takes off after the snap to run with the ball. From there, he slides before the defense can take him down, or worse, take the ball away. See how to slide in Madden 21 here.

At least one video for Madden 20 gave the added tip of tapping on the L2 on your controller as the ball is snapped, and then holding the R2. This will apparently help your QB to be able to juke to avoid tackles better. If you’re using a QB like Lamar Jackson, that may result in getting away totally and escaping down the field for a touchdown celebration.

For more of the latest news and how-to help, visit our Madden page here.