Master Chief Is Back in the Stunning New Halo Infinite Trailer

Heading into E3 this year, there were never any doubts that a new Halo game was going to be revealed. Sure enough, Microsoft has just announced Halo Infinite, referred to as a “New Halo Experience.”

The trailer doesn’t reveal a whole lot of information about the game, though there is one very important detail right at the end …

That’s right, Master Chief is back! We don’t know how much he is back, but surely Microsoft has listened to the numerous complaints regarding his relative absence in Halo 5. The fact that he is prominently featured at the end of the Halo Infinite trailer is hopefully a promise that this game will remedy the failures of the last.

What else can we glean from the reveal trailer? Not a whole lot. The focus is largely on the scenery, stunningly rendered with Slipstream. It is impressively realistic, and the attention to detail in every single frame is mind-blowing to say the least. Aside from that, there are a few marines who show up near the end of the trailer, but we cannot begin to guess at any details regarding the storyline or context of these scenes.

We’ll be updating you with fresh information the moment Microsoft drops a few more hints as to what Halo Infinite could entail. Be sure to follow along with our Halo news!