Metro Exodus Gameplay Trailer Showcases the Revolver

With less than two weeks to go before the release of Metro Exodus, more and more preview content is being released. One part of this is a series of gameplay trailers which give players a glimpse at the weapons that will feature in the game. Furthermore, it highlights the depth of the new customisation system; a system which allows players to transform weapons with a huge variety of options and configurations. In the latest trailer, 4A Games shows off the Metro Exodus Revolver and Bastard Gun.

Falling into the handgun weapon category, 4A Games describes the revolver as; “small, versatile and effective.” It has middling damage, decent range, an excellent rate of fire and good stability. However, the weapon has a relatively small magazine size, because of its six-shot cylinder. Indeed, as a result of this one aspect the trailer states that; “it’s not a practical option when swarmed by a pack”. Fortunately, every weapon in Metro Exodus has a huge number of customisation options. As such, you can transform the revolver into something very different.

Metro Exodus Revolver Configurations #1: The Revolving Rifle

Metro Exodus Revolver Weapon Revolving Rifle

The first potential configuration showcased by 4A Games is the Revolving Rifle. This weapon features a lighter, 3-Shot Cyinder to reduce weight and improve handling, a wooden Sniper Stock, a 4x Scope, and a Long Barrel. As such, the handgun becomes a lightweight and highly accurate rifle, making it much more effective at medium range. Of course, halving the weapon’s magazine does mean frequent reloads. As such, it’s not well-suited to frantic combat.

Metro Exodus Revolver Configurations #2: The 8-Shot

Metro Exodus Revolver Weapon 8-Shot

The second configuration for the Metro Exodus revolver features a larger, 8-Shot Cylinder, a heavier stock, a Reflex Sight, and Red Laser. This “8-Shot” configuration makes the weapon far more superior in close range. With better accuracy and handling, and a less frequent need to reload, it’s; “capable of taking down unarmoured enemies with a single, well-placed shot.”