MLB The Show 19 Wishlist: Three Changes We’d Like To See In The Game

With MLB The Show 19 preparing to hit shelves in just over two months, many gamers are wondering what changes will occur in the latest version. That being said, the always popular MLB wishlists are popping up everywhere online.

From what gamers want to see added, to what could be dropped or changed, an MLB The Show wishlist is always on baseball fanatics’ minds.

Wishlist opinions can’t be wrong

Having an MLB wishlist is no different than liking a certain type of hamburger or car. Everyone has an opinion, and opinions are never wrong! No matter what you think should be changed in this year’s version of the popular PlayStation game, you are entitled to your say. Who knows, the changes you desire may just happen in the future!

Fans will always have varying opinions on what they want to see, so here are a few that I wouldn’t mind seeing brought to the franchise mode of MLB The Show 19.

Top 3 MLB 19 Wishlist

Create your own stadium.

This feature is available in many other sports games, so why not The Show? The ability to change the seating, skyline or outfield structure would be something great to tool around with.

Unlike hockey, football or basketball where the dimensions on the court are all the same, baseball is unique. No stadium’s on-field dimensions are the same. The ability to create a stadium was in the MVP 2005 game. How about bringing it back and even adding additional features to it in 2019?

Choosing legends

Again, personal preference, but how about a list of a few possible MLB legends fans can vote on? Not knowing which players MLB The Show is going to add each season does create intrigue, however, it would be nice to have a say.

David Ortiz MLB The Show


Finally, one real pet peeve is the stats. While you can always see a player’s statistics each year as it is happening, what about the previous years? You have to go to each player’s individual player card to see previous season stats, but you don’t get any minor league stats.

Making it more like a one-shot statistic board, like the back of a baseball card would be awesome.  All the stats from the player’s entire career at your fingertips.

What do you think MLB The SHow fans? If you had a say and could change something, what would it be?

To keep up with all the latest news, rumors and information be sure to refer to our MLB The Show home page.