New Patch Fixes Borderlands 2’s Bugs And Glitches

It was about time for someone to take the first step and fix Borderlands 2’s problems. With a community so big, they had to make the game better at some point. However, it was not Gearbox that took this considerable step, but another team. The important thing is that this finally happened. A patch full of improvements to the original Borderlands 2 is now available for download.

Shadowevil and a team of modders made a community patch for Borderlands 2. It is unofficial, but it has been released for anyone who wants to try it. The work they have done is impressive. They have fixed everything they could, and it is clear that they considered fans’ feedback when creating it.

The patch includes some fixes to the original game’s balance issues. There are fixed bugs, cosmetic changes, skill changes, loot pool changes and many more useful corrections the game needed. On top of that, there are gear changes, quest changes and even enemy changes. Their work is truly magnificent.

The Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch contains more than 450 improvements and fixes to most of the game’s bugs and glitches. All of you who have played Borderlands 2 most certainly remember every single bug in the game. Many glitches and bugs were, in fact, used by many players as a sneaky way to pass specific missions or defeat particular bosses.

The latest version also contains some nerfs. Players can activate these nerfs with BLCMM, which is located at the bottom of the Patch file. Furthermore, BLCMM gives players the ability to disable features of this patch they do not like.

It is worth trying this patch to see the great work yourself. You can download the  Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch by clicking here. There is also a list of all the fixes and changes of the patch. You can view this list by clicking here.