New Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge Revealed Along With Summer Festivities

Pokemon GO is marking its second year after release this summer with a bunch of activities launching to keep players enticed. A new Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge has been revealed by Niantic, bearing an ultra bonus unlock after its completion.

The Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge is Niantic’s way of “remastering” the Catch Challenge. The latter did well at the time, following the same excitement as similar festivities on base Pokemon titles, however, many of those failed. Three big local Pokemon GO events have been revealed too: Safari Zone’s in Dortmund and Yokosuka, and the re-do of Pokémon GO Fest in Chicago.

In the image below you can see what the new Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge will ask players to do to be able to fulfill each task. All of those challenges seem doable, but need commitment and excitement from the community as a whole. Attendees at the flobal events will have to do their part on the challenge too, so if you’re in any of the aforementioned cities you should go ahead and partake in it.

There’s no indication as to what this new Ultra Bonus Unlock will feature. Many say that it might be mythic pokemon being handed to participants or a few in-game material to use on a future event. Others claim that this might have something to do with the next generation of Pokemon, or the Alolan forms, which are supposed to release this summer according to Niantic’s plans.

The truth is not far though, as soon as the Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge launches, the community and dataminers will know where to look between the lines and find out what this bonus is all about. We’ll keep you informed if further news or reveals on the Pokemon GO Global Research Challenge comes in. Get your Pokeballs ready!