Pokemon GO PvP Guide – How Do Trainer Battles Work?

Pokemon GO PvP is finally available in the game, in the form of Trainer Battles. The feature is by far the most extensive we’ve seen up until now. It brings depth and actual use to all your hard earned Pokemon. Battles don’t come easy though. There are many things you need to know before you go barging into the ranks. We’ll try to give you the ABC of Pokemon GO PvP as easy and quickly as possible.

For starters, there are 3 ways to battle in Pokemon GO. The first one is through single player, fighting the three region trainers Blanche, Candela and Spark. You can also fight nearby players with the use of a QR code that you input in the game. The most interesting bit of the Pokemon GO PvP feature though is the ability to fight remotely. To do that, you’ll need to be Ultra or Best friends with someone.

How does Pokemon GO PvP work in Trainer Battles

Next up, you choose your League. As we’ve already mentioned there are three leagues determined by the max CP of Pokemon you’re using:

  • Great League – Max CP per Pokemon: 1500
  • Ultra League – Max CP per Pokemon: 2500
  • Master League Unlimited CP

Before you start the battle, you can choose to give your Pokemon a secong charge move. To do so, you’ll need to spend Stardust and candies but it is worth the while. You then choose your three Pokemon, depending on your league and join the battle.

Note that Ditto and Shedninja are banned from the Pokemon GO PvP feature.

Much like raids and gym battles, you can fast attack by tapping on your screen. This charges your abilities, especially if you tap rapidly after full charge to achieve a Supercharge. You are also given 2 Protection Shields to use when a Pokemon of yours get a heavy attack, so use them wisely.

The first one to defeat all three Pokemon wins. As simple as that. As a reward, you get Stardust along with mystery items, ranging from berries, to other consumables to even Sinnoh Stones.

To wrap this guide up, remember that you’ll need no potions or revives for your Pokemon after each battle. When you finish fighting, your Pokemon will be back to their prior state. For quick reference, take a look at this awesome infografic by PokemonGOHub.

This is everything you need to know about Pokemon GO PvP battles to start your journey. We’ll be back with you with guides about Trainer Battles and news about what is coming to Pokemon GO.