PS4 Gamers Are Complaining About an Unexpected Cloud Save Limit

Have you tried to save to the PS4 cloud recently only to find that you cannot surpass 1,000 saves? If so, you may be wondering what is going on. Well, one thing is for certain, and that is that it isn’t just you. There are many other PS4 users who are complaining that there is a cloud save limit which they did not expect.

This Is the Cloud Save Limit PS4 Users Are Reporting

Take a look at the recent tweet below from @dizzy_ziddy:

The text reads, “Still gonna complain about PSN’s cloud save limit where they have a ridiculous file size cap (100GB) but you can never reach it since they have a quantity limit (1000 saves)

Sony didn’t expect anyone to have more than 1000 saves I guess.”

The tweet includes a screenshot from the user’s system which states, “The maximum number of saved data items you can store in online storage will be exceeded.” This statement is followed by an instruction to the user to delete some saved data items in order to save more to the cloud.

Even though 1,000 saves may sound like a huge number, it really isn’t when you think about it. If you play a game which bugs a lot (here’s looking at you, Bethesda games), you may have quite a few save files in order to make sure that you don’t find yourself with a permanently bugged game. Plus, your games may produce a lot of auto-save files, and those can accumulate rapidly too without you even noticing. So 1,000 saves is a pretty easy limit to run into. And yet with a file size cap of 100GB, it doesn’t really make sense for it to exist.

So the big question is whether this limit is supposed to exist or whether it is simply the result of an unexpected error. @dizzy_ziddy did reach out to Sony to ask, but there is yet to be any reply. So at this point, it is anyone’s guess. If we hear anything more about this issue, we will let you know in our PlayStation news section.