PS5 May Feature Instant Play

We have yet to hear many specifics from Sony regarding the capabilities of the PlayStation 5. But one thing we do keep hearing about is how powerful its solid state drive (SSD) is. And that drive is expected to do a lot to improve the experience of open world gameplay. But, what else might it do? Apparently, it might make it possible for gamers to enjoy instant play of new games.

Why Instant Play May Be Possible on the PS5

Journalist Jason Schreier recently posted this tweet:

The text reads, “Not coincidentally, “play right away, download just what you need, no load times” will be some of Sony’s top selling points for the PlayStation 5.”

This was in response to Paul Tassi, who was tweeting about Stadia and stating that its top features included, “No downloads or patches or “copying” is a godsend in this day and age. Nothing like buying a game and instantly playing four seconds later. Load times are crazy fast, even outpacing my SSD PS4.”

In fact, it is logical that Sony would be positioning itself to stay competitive with services like Stadia and remain as relevant and convenient to gamers as ever. What Schreier says is also well in line with everything that we have been hearing from developers regarding the SSD and freedom from load times. Also, Sony itself has also talked about giving us a greater degree of control over game installations. Thus, putting together the lack of load times and the high degree of installation control, it makes sense that rapid download and instant play would be possible. So, we have little doubt that what Schreier says is likely true.

However, it shouldn’t be long before we start finding out a lot more about the PS5 directly from Sony. After all, we are heading into 2020 soon, and Sony is going to want to start highlighting the console’s selling points. So stay tuned for more news and rumors. You can keep up with the latest news on PlayStation 5 in our PS5 news section.