Rainbow Six Siege: New CGI Trailer Contains Hidden Year 4 Clues

Recently, Ubisoft unveiled an impressive new CGI trailer for Rainbow Six Siege titled ‘The Hammer and the Scalpel.’ The trailer mainly focused on existing operators Dokkaebi and Thatcher along with new Team Rainbow leader Harry Pandey. However, eagle-eyed fans have now discovered a few hidden clues within the trailer which hint at upcoming Year 4 additions.

Rainbow Six Siege CGI Trailer Clues

Rainbow Six Siege CGI trailer secrets

The hidden clues in question are linked to the sprawling collage seen behind Pandey in the above image. By viewing a high-quality version of the trailer and zooming in at certain parts, fans made some interesting discoveries.

For example, towards the bottom left of the image is a map of Denmark with an attached operator note. Ubisoft also confirmed a few weeks ago that one of Siege’s new Year 4 operators will indeed hail from Denmark. The note also mentions how the Danish operator is an “expert in covert reconnaissance and stealth tactics.” Furthermore, the Danish operator has the “ability to blend and adapt into any environment.”

The above notes strongly suggest the Danish operator will have a strong stealth focus. Also, the Denmark map and operator note are on the ‘Attack’ side of the board, suggesting they’ll be an attacker. This also means the U.S. Secret Service operator (coming alongside the Danish operator in season 2) will be a defender.

Along with the Danish operator clues, another part of the image hints at an upcoming proximity alarm gadget. There is currently no such gadget in Rainbow Six Siege, but there soon could be. A proximity alarm would certainly be a handy tool for defenders since they have to guard a specific objective.

We should mention that all of the above is pure speculation at this point. Ubisoft hasn’t technically confirmed the proximity alarm gadget or the Danish operator’s penchant for stealth. Still, if such clues end up being accurate, one can only image how they’ll shake up the existing Siege meta.