Red Dead Online Attributes: How to Raise Stats in Red Dead Online

Now that Red Dead Online is out for everyone, players are going around joining posses and doing PvP. As you go about doing this, you will rank up. This has some players wondering about how to raise their Red Dead Online attributes. These stats include your Dead Eye, health, and stamina. Do you raise these the same way as in the singleplayer?

We are going to answer these questions and more in our Red Dead Online attributes guide. We are going to let you know exactly how to raise these stats. Doing so will allow you to not only perform better in missions but be better at taking out fellow players. Here’s everything you need to know about raising the stats of your online character.

How to Raise Red Dead Online Attributes

Red Dead Online save

Right off the bat, you are given standard average stats for the main three attributes. In addition, you are given two free stat points to raise any of the three. We haven’t been able to confirm exactly the best ways to get more stat points but it does seem that all you need to do is rank up to get points every once in a while.

To rank up the fastest, we recommend searching for story missions to join in cooperative gameplay. These allow you to help out other players with their missions and it grants you a good bit of experience and money. Doing these over and over for a good bit of time will rank you up pretty fast.

If this doesn’t work for you, you can always do one of the many Stranger missions that you’ll find scattered around the map. As for what Red Dead Online attributes to raise, we recommend health first and foremost above all else. It can be easy to die in this game, especially early on.