Red Dead Online Dead Eye: How Dead Eye Works in Red Dead Online

Unlike with the honor level and hunting animals, the Red Dead Online Dead Eye system works much differently online. Those players who have already gone through the main singleplayer campaign will find it isn’t the same really. In fact, it calls to question just how useful the gameplay feature is for fights. That’s unfortunate given how necessary it is normally.

The Red Dead Online Dead Eye, on the surface, seems similar to its offline incarnation. It even features the same effects and everything. However, it’s when you really pay attention that you will notice it is different. This is where it becomes less useful than ever before and rather odd. Thankfully, Rockstar Games does add some changes that help it stay important and helpful.

Red Dead Online Dead Eye Explained

red dead online dead eye

Like we mentioned before, don’t go into Red Dead Online expecting it to be exactly the same as before. In fact, you’ll probably need to change up how you use it. For one, the biggest notable change is it no longer slows your enemies down. While this is understandable given it is an online game, this renders its most important feature useless.

You still activate it the same way by pressing down on the right thumbstick. You will even get the same filter as before, just minus the time manipulation. Instead, the Red Dead Online Dead Eye system is affected by ability cards. These cards are unlocked through leveling up and purchasing them. Equipping them will allow you to change how Dead Eye works.

For instance, you are given one of three of these cards for free near the end of the tutorial. One card, in particular, regenerates your health while you use Red Dead Online Dead Eye. Another, on the other hand, lets you and your teammates deal more damage while using Dead Eye.