Red Dead Redemption 2 Vampire: Where to Find the Vampire Location

Just like you can find a legendary cougar and bison, there is a Red Dead Redemption 2 vampire location. Note that knowing this already is technically spoilers for a pretty awesome Easter egg but you’re already here. Regardless, we are going to try to keep this Easter egg as spoiler-free as possible. This will allow you to still enjoy its contents.

Unlike those animals, you aren’t hunting down the Red Dead Redemption 2 vampire location in the same way. Instead, you are tracking clues and finding where exactly this Easter egg is leading you to. The clues can be a little vague at times, which is where we come in. We are going to let you know where to find all the clues and then the eventual solution.

Where to Find the Red Dead Redemption 2 Vampire

Red Dead Redemption 2 vampire

If you wish to find this all on your own, turn back now. Still here? Awesome. You are going to want to first head to the city of Saint Denis in Lemoyne. You need to five graffiti-like scribblings on the walls. The first can be found across the street from the saloon on the corner of a building.  The next is found just to the southwest of the Trapper location behind a metal gate.

The third scribbling is found just a little ways to the southwest of the gunsmith in an alleyway. The fourth one is found across the street north of the post office where you can see the little gap area south of the gunsmith. The fifth and final one can be found on the back of the general store. After doing this, a marker will appear on your map.

This marker will lead you to the Red Dead Redemption 2 vampire. We won’t dare spoil what ensues but you will need to show up at night in order to trigger the event.