Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to Find the KKK in RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is set right before the turn of the century in 1899. So it is not surprising that the Ku Klux Klan is present in the game, considering that in real life, the KKK started until 1865. But how could Rockstar leave out an opportunity to go kill some racists? Want to know where to find the KKK in Red Dead Redemption 2? We’ve got you covered so you can go take out the trash.

Where to Find the KKK in RDR2

There is no specific location to head to for an encounter with the KKK. They spawn pretty much at random, though never in town. That means that you will have to head out into the wilderness if you want to find them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 KKK: It’s time to take out some racist garbage.

How to Find the KKK in RDR2

Of course, “the wilderness” isn’t much to go on—that obviously is a huge amount of real estate. So how can you maximize your chances of running into some bigot scumbags? As the KKK wants to keep their rallies secret, they have a tendency to choose locations in or near the woods. So try keeping to the trees as much as you can.

On that note, you should think about timing as well. The KKK isn’t going to meet in broad daylight, so try doing your traveling by night. This makes it more likely that a group will spawn.

What to Do When You Find the KKK in RDR2

So let’s say you managed to track down these white-garbed racist idiots. What should you do with them? Well, you can charge in with guns blazing, but if you do, you’ll miss out on some amusing moments. It is better to hang around in the trees and watch their meetings unfold. Once you do that, go ahead and kill them all. It will actually boost your honor, and you can set down the controller feeling satisfied.

Looking for more to do in RDR2? Check out all of our Red Dead Redemption 2 guides and articles.