How to Replay the Far Cry New Dawn Outposts by “Scavenging”

Outposts are standard fare for any Far Cry game; a number of small bases filled with enemies scattered around the map which players can capture. Although the ability to replay Outposts has existed before in other Far Cry games, the Far Cry New Dawn Outposts have a totally new mechanic; the “Scavenge” system. This system allows players to abandon an Outpost in exchange for resources, prompting more powerful enemies to re-occupy the place.

How to Scavenge and Replay the Far Cry New Dawn Outposts

Once you’ve captured one of the Far Cry New Dawn Outposts, the site is taken over by settlers from Prosperity. The sites are useful for a number of reasons. First and foremost, you can find a Workbench in all captured Outposts with which you can craft or reassign weapons. Secondly, you can always find a Wiki-Bean-ia scout at these Outposts; prime sources of intel, including the locations of side missions, Guns-for-Hire, and stashes. However, there is a second Workbench in every Outpost which has a single option; “Scavenge.”

Far Cry New Dawn Outposts Scavenge Option

Using this Workbench, you can choose to abandon the Outpost, immediately gaining a cache of crafting resources. However, your scavenging of the Outpost leaves it unoccupied, and the Highwaymen immediately move back in. Not only that, but the new residents will be tougher and more numerous than those who were there before. You can see on the map screen that every Outpost has three boxes, starting with a single box filled in after its first capture. Each time you scavenge it after the first capture, another box will fill in, indicating the Outpost’s new difficulty.

Although the Outposts become harder to capture, the rewards for scavenging them again become much greater each time up to the maximum tier of difficulty. Note that the actual loot containers scattered around an Outpost don’t refill when you scavenge the Outpost. A secondary benefit of scavenging an Outpost is that it gives you another chance to find a special outfit piece. Every one of the Far Cry New Dawn Outposts has an associated Special Outfit, consisting of four parts. Each time you capture that Outpost, there’s a chance that you’ll get one of the parts. As such, if you want to complete the full set, you’ll need to complete each Outpost multiple times.