Respawn Defends SBMM System in Apex Legends

What are your feelings about skill-based matchmaking in Apex Legends? If you have mixed feelings about the system, you are not alone. While the goal of the system is to make matches more fair, there are players who feel it isn’t doing its job. Recently, a Twitter user called the system into question and Respawn replied. Let’s see what they had to say about the SBMM system in Apex Legends.

What Respawn Said About the SBMM System in Apex Legends

A user on Twitter complained about the SBMM system. Here is what Respawn analytics and data science specialist @m_ray on Twitter replied:

@m_ray said, “hey sbmm guy, i appreciate the feedback (really!) The intention of a matchmaker is to give you *better* (fairer) match, and it turns out that’s not easy in a BR. So for what it’s worth, we’re trying to INCREASE justice – precisely the opposite of the message you sent me.”

So, this explains at least a little bit about what is going on with the matchmaking system. It seems that the battle royale format itself is what is leading to difficulties matching players suitably. It would be interesting to learn more details about this. But we wouldn’t be surprised if the development team itself is still working on understanding the issues. Since Respawn has not said when they expect to update the system, we just will have to be patient and hope that they improve it soon.

While you are waiting for updates on the SBMM system in Apex Legends, it is a good time to catch up on other Apex Legends news. Check out a strange bug which caused one player to switch characters with another in the middle of a match. Find out more of the latest regarding your favorite battle royal game in our Apex Legends news section.