Riot Games Gifts Valorant Beta Access to Thousands of Stream Viewers

As the Valorant closed beta continues, there’s no sign that interest in the upcoming game is waning among gamers. As such, Riot Games have been under pressure to expand the beta’s server capacity to grant more people access. Following a 25% expansion in capacity, the studio is now allowing all Valorant streams the ability to drop beta access, and furthermore, the studio has manually gifted beta access to several thousand of the most dedicated viewers on Twitch!

Riot Games Gifts Valorant Beta Access to Thousands

In an update earlier today, Riot Games announced that all Valorant Twitch streams can now drop beta access. Previously, only selected streamers had this ability, but now all streamers have the ability to activate drops. This doesn’t mean that Riot will be giving out more drops than before. However, the studio has chosen to reward some of their most dedicated viewers by gifting beta access manually.

Valorant Beta Access Gifted to Thousands of Stream Viewers 2

“We know it hurts to be unlucky,” they write; “so we went through a few thousand of the most engaged Valorant stream viewers and manually gave access as a thank you. Thank you, your internet, and your eyeballs.”

Over the last couple of days, Riot have been careful to remind gamers that the way Valorant beta access is given on Twitch is determined solely by whether viewers have passed a certain threshold of viewed content; i.e. watching more content doesn’t give you a better chance of getting access. However, with so many viewers tuning in on Twitch in the hopes of getting a code, it’s nonetheless a nice gesture for the studio to reward so many of the most dedicated.

Additionally, Riot also announced that they have now banned several account sellers; unscrupulous individuals who were selling beta access online for those who didn’t want to go through Riot’s random drop system. Riot recently warned that people using sold accounts could get banned. However, this is the first indication that the studio is now taking firm steps against the practice. Fortunately, as time progresses, it should be easier for people to get beta access legitimately.