Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – How to Cure Dragonrot

Sekiro’s unique self-resurrection mechanic can be a tremendous boon during a tough combat encounter. However, there is a downside to frequently utilizing the resurrection mechanic, a downside called Dragonrot. As the player dies and revives, Dragonrot can afflict and spread to various in-game NPC’s.

Dragonrot doesn’t kill these NPC’s, but it can render them unable to assist with side quest. Worse, spreading Dragonrot also lowers the player’s chances of being blessed with Unseen Aid after dying in combat. Thankfully there is a way to cure afflicted NPC’s of Dragonrot, albeit temporarily.

Sekiro: Curing Afflicted NPC’s of Dragonrot

Sekiro how to cure Dragonrot

The Dilapidated Temple’s Sculptor is guaranteed to become afflicted with Dragonrot at some point. Once that happens, speak with Emma the doctor. She’ll tell you there is a way to develop a cure, but she needs another Dragonrot sample to do so. As you continue self-resurrecting you’ll eventually receive Rot Essence items which correspond to specific NPC’s, individuating they’re afflicted.

Find and speak with an afflicted NPC and you can take a sample of their Dragonrot-tainted blood. Give the sample to Emma and then wait a little while. When you return Emma will give you two items: a Recovery Charm and a Dragon’s Blood Droplet. Using a Dragon’s Blood Droplet on its own can boost the power of your self-resurrection. However, if you visit a Sculptor’s Idol, the Recovery Charm lets you cure all afflicted NPC’s with the droplet instead.

Specific merchants sell additional Dragon’s Blood Droplets for 180 Sen each, but they always have a limited inventory. This means the amount of droplets you can find is finite and thus they shouldn’t be wasted. You shouldn’t cure afflicted NPC’s unless it’s absolutely necessary since they can become afflicted again in the future.

Again, NPC’s can’t die from Dragonrot, so you should really only cure them if they’re needed for a side quest. Also, don’t use a cure if you suspect you’re close to reaching a boss fight. Chances are you’ll be dying (and self-resurrecting) a lot during the fight, negating the cure in the process.

Speaking of Sekiro’s boss fights, we’ve also got guides for the Blazing Bull and Armored Warrior bosses.