Sony Announces New Date for PS5 Game Reveal Event

Following the recent postponement of a PS5 game reveal event due to take place last week, Sony has now announced a new date for the event. The event will focus on new titles coming to the PS5 later this year. It is now due to take place later this week, on the 11th of June.

The PS5 Game Reveal Event Later This Week

Last week, Sony chose to postpone their scheduled PS5 game reveal event in solidarity with the ongoing protests against racial injustice. At the time, and like many other companies in the gaming industry and beyond, Sony muted their social media feeds; all so as not to distract from more important messages elsewhere. The event was postponed for the same reason, as Sony didn’t feel that the timing was appropriate. That event will now take place this Thursday.

PS5 Game Reveal Event Announcement 2

The PS5 game reveal event will be taking place at 1:00PM PST / 9:00PM BST on the 11th of June. The event itself, which will be released online, is actually pre-taped. Sony had previously explained that this was to ease the complications of production while much of Sony’s staff are still working from home. The broadcast will be at 1080p and 30 FPS. In fact, Sony has recommended that those who are able to view the event on a 4K TV. Similarly, Sony has also said that the broadcast is best heard via headphones.

Following on from the previous events which focused on the PS5’s technical specifications and controller, Thursday’s event will be a very important marketing opportunity for Sony. After all, it’ll show gamers the sort of titles they can expect to see on the PS5 when it launches. At a time when some gamers believe that the Xbox Series X might offer more powerful specifications, this event could help to change minds. After all, it could be the first time that people get to see the PS5 in action for themselves.