Streamers Dr DisRespect and Stroud Get Custom PUBG Skins

PUBG Corp. is releasing a pair of weapon skins that’ll be available in PUBG for a limited time, created in tandem with popular stremers Dr DisRespect and Shroud. They’ll be going live in-game on June 4 and will be available through June 30, marking the first time PUBG has ran such a promotion in the past. You’ll have a whole month to jump on these releases if you’re interested.

They’ll come in two flavors: Dr DisRespect’s Speed & Momentum Crate, and Shroud’s Ghosted Crate. Dr DisRespect’s crate features a red and black design, while Shroud opts for cooler-toned grays, blues, and blacks. These are the first promotional crates based on streamers to come to the game, so you might want to pick them up even if you’re not a fan of the designs just to commemorate the occasion. It’s not clear if this is something the company is planning on doing regularly in the future just yet, however.

Here’s what’s up for grabs, if you’re interested in picking them up:

Dr DisRespect Skins

Dr DisRespect Speed & Momentum Crate – $9.99

  • Speed & Momentum – M1416 Skin
  • Speed & Momentum – KAR98K Skin

Shroud Skins

Shroud Ghosted Crate – $9.99

  • Ghosted – AKM Skin
  • Ghosted – KAR98K Skin

The crates will be available via Twitch Extensions coming to both streamers’ channels, and you can them redeem your code for the purchase in PUBG itself. This should help fans looking to make instant purchases. If you’d prefer, you can also buy them on Steam instead.

They do seem a bit pricey for what are essentially two weapon skins, but if you’re into supporting your favorite streamers and a game you like to play, perhaps $10 isn’t that much to ask. Otherwise, folks might opt not to spend $10 on two measly items. In the end it’s up to you, but do consider the value of what you’re purchasing ahead of actually dropping the cash.