The Last of Us 2 Rumors: All Predictions and Leaks

Can’t wait for The Last of Us 2? While there are still more questions than answers about the long-anticipated sequel to The Last of Us, there are a lot of things we can guess at going by The Last of Us 2 rumors and news. Let’s catch up on the latest.

The Last of Us 2 Rumors as of June 2019

The Last of Us 2 Release Date Rumors

For a number of months now, most fans were anticipating that The Last of Us 2 would release in 2019. Now, 2020 is looking more likely. Take a look at this tweet from Jason Schreier:

The tweet reads, “Looks like Death Stranding is about to get announced for a November release. The Last of Us 2 was also planned for fall 2019 but I actually just heard it got bumped to early 2020, possibly February? Either way, wild final year for PS4.”

This is good logic, so at this point, we’re also guessing that we’ll be waiting until early 2020 to play TLOU 2. We do know that production is wrapping up or has wrapped up. Halley Gross stated on April 19th that the team was “done with cinematics.”

The Last of Us 2 Story Rumors

There are a few things we know about the story for TLOU 2, and many we can only guess at. We know Ellie is 19, and the game’s lead. The story is set in Seattle. Five years have passed since TLOU. Based on the first trailer, the story is focused on revenge.

These are the latest The Last of Us 2 rumors and updates.

What we don’t know is revenge for what. Early rumors focused on the possibility of Joel’s death. More recent rumors point toward the death of Dina, Ellie’s love interest in the second trailer. Ellie wears Dina’s bracelet in the game. What that might mean isn’t clear. No matter what, we know based on the great writing in TLOU that TLOU 2 will be heavy and emotional.

The Last of Us 2 Gameplay Rumors

We do have some insights into TLOU 2 gameplay. We know we will be playing as Ellie, and Neil Druckmann has also said that an NPC companion will be part of the game. Based on photos Druckmann posted previously of a dog, it seems likely that Ellie’s companion will be a dog. But there is no confirmation there yet.

Another photo which hints at what we can expect from gameplay surfaced in April 2017. It showed Halley Gross on what would appear to be a rig representing a horse.

One thing we know for sure is that the stealth system is getting an overhaul. Druckmann has revealed that there will be a circle-shaped meter that helps you figure out how well concealed you are when sneaking through foliage. You also will be able to lie prone.

We’re going to need these stealth assists, because it turns out that the enemy is getting an upgrade as well. Enemy AIs will be able to communicate more effectively with each other than in the past. That means a greater level of challenge.

The Last of Us 2 Multiplayer Rumors

Fans of the Factions multiplayer mode in the original game will be excited to hear that a multiplayer mode is planned for TLOU 2 as well. Co-director Kurt Margenau confirmed this in June 2018. As of right now, we don’t know anything specific about what to expect.

As we approach the release of The Last of Us 2, we will continue to update you with new The Last of Us 2 rumors and news. Keep up with our latest posts in our TLOU 2 news area.