Tomatohead Skin Now Available on Fortnite

You may have heard about the data mining leak last week which uncovered some cool and unusual upcoming skins for Fortnite such as the Leviathan, the Tomatohead and the Tricera Ops. The last skin to be made available was the Tomatohead, which has been available for purchase since yesterday.

Needless to say, the Tomatohead skin is decidedly creepy to look at—and it certainly has a quirky sense of humor. This has led to it making the rounds on various social media channels.

The skin is of course the mascot of Tomato Town, which may not be the most popular in-game location, but it is one which players regularly travel through on their way to grab resources in the Wailing Woods.

If the Tomatohead skin proves to be as popular as it looks like it will be, maybe this will lead Epic to consider adding a Tilted Towers skin, or other location-based skins. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. In the meantime, watch for falling meteors.