How to Unlock Nikolai as an Operator in Modern Warfare Season 6

As per usual, the launch of a new season in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone means new Operators for players to use in both games. Indeed, Modern Warfare Season 6 features two more characters from the game’s story campaign; Farah and Nikolai. While players can unlock the former simply by purchasing the Battle Pass, however, Nikolai is significantly harder to unlock.

Modern Warfare Season 6: How to Unlock Nikolai

If you want to play as the Russian Operator in Modern Warfare and Warzone, you’ll first need to purchase the Season 6 Battle Pass. While the free Tiers of the pass will get you the two new weapons available in Season 6, they don’t include the new Operators. Farah, the other Operator, is available as a reward at Tier 0. As such, you should unlock her simply for purchasing the Pass. Nikolai is the complete opposite, however; to unlock him, you need to reach Tier 100!

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Nikolai Unlock Season 6

This time, Infinity Ward has included a selection of Legendary items for completionists who manage to reach the final tier. Reaching Tier 100 will unlock Nikolai as a playable Operator, as well as the ‘Season Six’ Emblem and the ‘Grizzly End’ Cargo Truck vehicle skin. Additionally, you’ll also unlock the Legendary ‘Malphas’ assault rifle blueprint. Focusing on long-range precision, this fearsome weapon uses dark tracer rounds and armour-piercing rounds.

As usual, the Season 6 Battle Pass costs 1,000 CP. (Although you can purchase a ‘Bundle’ for 2,400 CP which includes 20 tier skips, if you want to get a head-start.) It should be noted that the total amount of CP which you can unlock from the Battle Pass is 1,300. As such, completing it should leave you with enough CP to purchase the next Battle Pass when it launches. This season’s rewards include the usual assortment of blueprints, cosmetics, finishing moves, etc. However, it does also include something new; for the first time, Infinity Ward is including licensed music as War Tracks in the game, and some of these are available in the Battle Pass.