What to Expect From Black Ops Cold War’s Snipers-Only Moshpit

As part of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s Season One ‘Reloaded,’ Treyarch recently launched a new playlist called Snipers-Only Moshpit. Featuring two modes and a range of maps, this 6v6 playlist is only available for a limited time, and focuses on delivering a pure sniping experience.

Black Ops Cold War – Snipers-Only Moshpit

As you would expect, the new Snipers-Only Moshpit features only sniper rifles. Any weapon that isn’t a sniper rifle is restricted in this playlist, as are all damaging equipment. Even Scorestreak weapons have been removed. As such, players must rely solely on their sniping talents to succeed in the Moshpit. The playlist only features two game modes, both of which are 6v6; Domination and Team Deathmatch. While there isn’t much variety in this area, players should find much more variety in the playlist’s maps.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Playlist Snipers-Only Moshpit 2

Players looking to succeed in the Snipers-Only Moshpit should bear in mind that while there are only two modes, they will likely require a different approach and loadout. In Team Deathmatch, players can use almost any sniping strategy and loadout; whatever best suits their playstyle. However, in Domination, you’ll still need to capture zones. As such, you may not have the opportunity to sit in a vantage point and snipe at long-range. Instead, you’ll likely need to stay mobile and engage in shorter-range fights as you capture and hold zones. As such, players should build loadouts for both modes, rather than relying on just one.

The Snipers-Only Moshpit is one of the last new content additions to Black Ops Cold War before the launch of Firebase Z; the upcoming Zombies map which is due to launch next week. Firebase Z is the headline feature of Season One Reloaded and will be launching alongside several other new modes. These were recently revealed by Treyarch in the season’s most recent roadmap.