Will Red Dead Redemption 2 Come to PC?

The original Red Dead Redemption has long been considered one of the finest video games ever made. So when we say that Red Dead Redemption 2 may have topped it, you know we’re talking about one incredible game. But will Red Dead Redemption 2 come to PC? Or will only PS4 and Xbox One gamers be able to enjoy it?

Will Red Dead Redemption 2 Release for PC?

Actually, there are multiple reasons to be hopeful for an eventual PC release of Red Dead Redemption 2. Here is a quick rundown.

• First of all, the original RDR was not available on PC to begin with either. PlayStation Now eventually offered it however. This sets a precedent. Even though RDR2 is not offered for PC now, it may be in the future.

  • First of all, the original RDR was not available on PC to begin with either. PlayStation Now eventually offered it however. This sets a precedent. Even though RDR2 is not offered for PC now, it may be in the future.
  • An anonymous developer at Rockstar mentioned PC as a forthcoming platform for RDR2 on LinkedIn. Learn more here. This happened earlier in the year.
  • RockstarINTEL reports that the Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion App has some PC-related parameters in its files. You can view them here. So far, this is the most compelling evidence.

Also of interest in those Companion App files is “PARAM_Oculus.” That could mean that we will get to play a virtual reality version of RDR2. How awesome would that be? This game is already amazingly immersive. A VR experience could be incredible.

Red Dead Redemption 2 could be on its way to PC.

So if you are a PC gamer, try to hang in there and be patient. Hopefully Rockstar will make an official announcement of some sort soon. We will keep you posted in our RDR2 news and guides section.

If you are on PS4 or Xbox One, you probably are already spending as many hours a day as you can in RDR2’s beautifully-developed virtual world. Check out our library of comprehensive guides at the link above to get even more out of RDR2!