World of Tanks: The Two New Tier VIII Of The Week

Wargaming announced the new Tier VIII vehicles coming this week in World of Tanks. This time, they are bringing you two vehicles instead of one. AMX Chasseur de Chars and Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 are the two beauties that are currently offered discounted through the official website of World of Tanks. Let’s see them.

Wargaming decided to bring two medium tanks to World of Tanks this time. They will be discounted until Friday along with some fort Knox, supply depot, and commander’s choice. Both of these two gorgeous vehicles are Tier VIII tanks waiting to join the battle with you or just be placed in your garage for your collection.

The Panther 8,8 cm L/71 belongs to the German vehicles. It is a real German sniper, and its features are as powerful as you’d think. Its gun is excellent for long distances, and you can easily support your team using this vehicle. Moreover, it has cheap shells and repair costs meaning that it gives you room to spend your coins on different types of machinery too.

On the other hand, the AMX Chasseur de Chars or simply AMX CDC is not designed merely to support your team. It is not even built to destroy other vehicles at all. Its purpose lies in its fast mobility since it is a high-speed tank. The AMX CDC can easily climb hills and shoot quickly with its beautiful gun. If you enjoy moving around more than merely standing far behind and shooting, this is the perfect vehicle for you.

These two Tier VIII tanks will be offered discounted for a limited time until another amazing one comes next week to take their place. Choose the one you like the most or which suits your kind of gameplay and purchase it before Friday.