Apex Legends Loba Teleport Bug Results from Lost Treasures Update

One of Loba’s most important abilities is the Burglar’s Best Friend teleport. With this ability, she can, theoretically, teleport in or out of combat quickly. Unfortunately, these abilities haven’t been much use to Loba mains lately as the teleport has been glitching. The Loba teleport bug seems to be a result of the Los Treasures update. Needless to say, the loss of this ability is a major hassle.

Here is What Is Going On with the Loba Teleport Bug

Reddit user KingDududu posted “Loba can’t teleport in World’s Edge” recently.

In the video above, you can watch the glitch in action. The comments provide more information, with one user mentioning, “This happened to me several times.” Another user says, “Happened to someone in Kings Canyon too, I saw the bracelet fly from Lobas position, but I never saw the teleport happen.” Yet another says, “Yh she can’t teleport consistently anymore after the Lost Treasure update. You have no idea how many times I have died because the bracelets comes back to me, when I know for a fact it shouldn’t. Can they atleast acknowledge that this is an issue because this is the only reason we play Loba.”

Respawn doesn’t seem to be aware of the issue yet. So, if you are encountering the Loba teleport bug, be sure and send a report. The more people complain about this, the faster the team should notice it and address it. We would expect fairly fast action on this, since, in the words of another poster, she is “unplayable” as things stand.

Want to learn more about what has changed with the patch? Find out about weapon updates since Lost Treasures went into effect. Also, here are all of the Legend updates which came with the patch. Follow along with our Apex Legends news to stay on top of other developments.