Borderlands 3 ESRB Rating Teases Some of its Most Visceral Content

It should come as no surprise that Borderlands 3 is going to be 1) mature, and 2) very, very weird. Indeed, the game’s latest trailer gave fans a good reminder that the game will be fairly bizarre. Now, fans have gotten another glimpse at what’s to come thanks to the Borderlands 3 ESRB rating. Released recently, it confirms that the game has gotten an “M” for “Mature” rating. However, it also makes mention of some of the stranger inclusions players will find in-game.

Bizarre Titbits of What’s Coming in the Borderlands 3 ESRB Rating

The Borderlands 3 ESRB rating confirms that the game will include some measure of blood and gore, strong language, intense violence, and sexual themes. (Most likely quite a lot of the first three!) It also confirms that there will be ‘user interaction’ and ‘in-game purchases.’ The game will not contain any drug references, apparently; another common indicator listed in ‘Mature’ ESRB ratings.

Borderlands 3 ESRB Rating Teases Mature Content

“This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a Vault Hunter engaging in combat missions while traversing through planets on foot and in vehicles,” confirms the rating; “[…] Players use pistols, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers, and explosives to kill enemies in frenetic combat. Battles are highlighted by realistic gunfire, cries of pain, and frequent blood-splatter effects. Some weapons cause enemies to explode into blood sprays and body parts…”

So far, nothing unsurprising for Borderlands. In fact, thus far, this description could fit most shooter games. However, things quickly take a turn for the… visceral; “Stylised environments depict further instances of violence and gore: severed heads on spikes; a human corpse on a spit fire; a giant grinder emitting body parts and blood; a birthday cake decorated with severed fingers. The game contains some sexual material, mostly in the dialogue (e.g. ‘Looks like someone won’t be getting a pre-coital foot rub’ […]”

It certainly sounds like fans will be getting another Borderlands game well in-tune with its predecessors! No doubt this is only the tip of the iceberg as well; the ESRB rating only gives a brief summary to provide an explanation for their rating decision. There will be plenty more mature content in the game for players to discover…