Call of Duty: Warzone Private Matches Coming Soon

Call of Duty: Warzone is an awesome game, but it is sorely lacking one important feature: private matches. Indeed, players have been asking for private matches for a while now. But we have some great news, at least if the rumor mill is to be believed. Call of Duty: Warzone private matches may soon become a reality.

Are Call of Duty: Warzone Private Matches Finally on the Way?

The rumor that we are finally going to get private matches in COD: Warzone comes from ModernWarzone on Twitter:

The text says, “Private matches will be available in #Warzone SOON.”

How soon? We don’t know. Just “soon.” That could mean in the next update, or the one after that, or maybe even the one after that.

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ModernWarzone has previously leaked correct information about Warzone as well as COD: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty 2020. So, is it possible that this leak will also come true? Maybe. But it is still just a rumor. So while we can all be hopeful, it is important not to get too excited too soon. And don’t forget that even if ModernWarzone does know the developers’ plans today, those plans could change again tomorrow. So, even if a rumor is accurate right now, it may not be in the future.

Call of Duty: Warzone has been a major hit with players ever since it came out, and has become a major profit center for Activision. What’s new in Season 5? There is a lot of new content to check out. You can learn about Mini Royale and more here. We are constantly adding updates to our COD news section on the latest developments in Warzone. So, check it out. In that section, you also can keep up with the latest updates on Call of Duty 2020!