Destiny 2 API Update Reveals Armsweek Event and New Exotic Weapon Catalysts

Last month, Destiny 2 fans discovered a series of assets on the game’s website which referenced an event called Armsweek. Now, thanks to a recent update to the Destiny 2 API, some new information pertaining to Armsweek has been unearthed, and it looks like the event will also tie into some newly discovered exotic weapon catalysts.

More exotic catalysts should be coming soon.

Redditor Eander recently posted their new API findings on the official Destiny subreddit, findings which include eight previously unknown exotic weapon catalysts and their unlock requirements. According to what Eander found, five of the newly discovered catalysts will be earned by participating in Armsweek, while the remaining three will be tied to the prestige versions of the game’s existing Leviathan raid and raid lairs (Eater of Worlds and Spire of Stars).

The eight new catalysts are for the following exotic weapons:

  • Sleeper Simulant
  • SUROS Regime
  • The Prospector
  • Telesto
  • Fighting Lion
  • Rat King
  • Hard Light
  • Legend of Acrius

The data in Eander’s Reddit post also reveals the upgrade requirements for each catalyst that a player will have to fulfill once they find the catalyst itself. For the Armsweek catalysts, it looks like a player will have to complete a specific Nightfall Strike and defeat a certain number of enemies with the associated weapon equipped (the Fighting Lion catalyst, for example, requires defeating 1,000 enemies and completing the Nightfall version of The Pyramidion with the weapon equipped).

As for Armsweek, previous findings suggest it will be an event in which players are dropped into random Strikes and/or specific Nightfall Strikes while using a restricted weapon loadout. Originally, it was believed that some of the new exotic weapon catalysts would be earned by completing a specific Nightfall during Armsweek, but now it looks as if the Nightfall completion will be tied into meeting the catalyst’s activation requirements. The Reddit data also suggests that the new catalysts will be added into the game with the July 17 Destiny 2 update, the same update that will restore direct armor purchases for seasonal vendors.