Destiny 2: Iron Banner – Start Date, Rewards Changes, and Armor Sets

Every Season in Destiny 2, Bungie adds new Armor sets for the Iron Banner. Iron Banner is a competitive activity in Destiny 2 where your Power Level matters (a lot). So, if your opponent is, for instance, above 960 Power Level, and you are below 700 Power Level, your opponent will deal more damage to you and you’ll deal less damage as compared to the normal Crucible modes (Control, Clash, Supremacy, etc). Now, in this season (Season of the Undying), Iron Banner is making a return once again with all-new armor sets for each class (Hunter, Warlock, and Titan).

Iron Banner Start and End Time

Iron Banner in Shadowkeep will start on Tuesday, 10 AM PDT on October 15 and will stay for a whole week ending on Tuesday, 10 AM PDT on October 22. This time, Iron Banner will feature Control as its game mode inside Destiny 2.

Armor Sets

Prior to Shadowkeep launch, Bungie revealed every armor sets that were coming to Shadowkeep for activities like Vex Offensive, Raid, Eververse, and obviously, Iron Banner. Below, you can have a look at the new Iron Banner armor sets for each class in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Armor Set Iron Banner

New Rewards Changes

In This Week At Bungie, they revealed that the way you earn rewards in Iron Banner is changing this Season. Here’s how you earn your rewards this season:

  • There is a new Seasonal pursuit, which must be completed prior to being able to turn in tokens to purchase packages from Lord Saladin
    • This pursuit is character-based and rewards the new S8 armor set
    • Each step of the pursuit awards Iron Banner weapons or armor
    • Most of the objectives within the pursuit track progress at any point during Season of the Undying, even if you have not yet acquired the pursuit
  • Until the Seasonal pursuit has been completed, all rewards will be obtained from completing matches and bounties
    • All rewards are weapons until the Seasonal pursuit is complete
    • The existing seven bounties that offered powerful rewards have been adjusted to offer pinnacle rewards (960 Power max,) but only four are available per event
      • We are tracking a bug in which the four bounties offered as pinnacle rewards rotate each day allowing more than four to be completed during a single event

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.