Destiny 2 Pit of Heresy Boss Defeated With 7 Whole Punches

Since the release of Shadowkeep, Bungie has added a ton of new content to the game. One of the main contents we have got with this DLC is a brand-new dungeon called – Pit of Heresy. This new dungeon takes place deep within the Moon. The final boss for this dungeon is – Zalmuk, Instrument of Torment, who now has been defeated by one of our fellow punching machines – Titan. The last dungeon we’ve got in Destiny 2 was – Shattered Throne which was released with Forsaken. It was a really good dungeon and revealed a ton of new story in-game and lore-wise as well.

Pit of Heresy Boss Punched to Death in Destiny 2

Pit of heresy Boss Destiny 2

This player has defeated the final boss of Destiny 2’s Pit of Heresy dungeon – Zalmuk by punching him no more than seven times. Yes, you read that right! We already know how brutal Titans are when it comes to punching someone. And punching is probably the only thing Titans are known for (kidding) anyways. According to the player, this is what you need to pull off this strategy in Destiny 2:

  • Bottom Tree Striker, utilizing Knockout, Reversal, and Frontal Assault(if timing permits)
  • Any shotgun with One-Two Punch and high handling for two 12P melees instead of one
  • Wormgod Caress exotic gauntlets
  • Thundercoil mod from the Artifact
  • Tractor cannon for 30% debuff

It’s really amazing seeing players solo these kinds of challenges by themselves. Later today, Destiny 2 will be getting the “Final Assualt” content where we’ll be going back to the Black Garden to eliminate the Undying Mind. If you’re a Destiny 1 player, you know that The Undying Mind was one of the best strikes in the game. What are your thoughts on this solo Pit of Heresy final boss? Let us know in the comments!

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, released on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.