Destiny 2 Players Will Be Able to Try the New Gambit Mode for Free

Destiny 2’s upcoming Forsaken expansion will contain a bunch of exciting new features, but few are more exciting than the brand new Gambit mode. Gambit will be a hybrid PvP/PvE experience which will offer a competitive spin on standard wave-based co-op combat, allow players to invade and disrupt the enemy team’s efforts, and even have its own dedicated progression system. If you’re still on the fence about investing in Forsaken, Bungie will be offering all Destiny 2 players a brief window of opportunity to try Gambit for free ahead of the expansion’s launch.

Destiny 2 players will be able to try out Gambit for free.

According to the below trailer which Bungie recently uploaded, Destiny 2 players will be able to participate in a Gambit free trial on September 1, several days ahead of Forsaken’s September 4 launch. However, the trial will have a few restrictions. It will only be available for 24 hours, from 10 a.m. PST (1 p.m. EST) to the same time on September 2. Since Gambit is a social mode, the free trial will also require an active PlayStation Plus (on PS4) or Xbox Live Gold (on Xbox One) subscription if you happen to play on consoles.

It’s not clear yet if the free trial will allow participants to utilize Gambit’s unique Infamy progression mode, or if participants will be able to earn any Gambit-specific rewards (armor, weapons, etc.). The safe bet would probably be “no” on both counts, but then again Bungie could very well surprise its fanbase. It also remains to be seen just how many of Gambit’s four planned maps will be available in the free trial, though for what it’s worth the above trailer does appear to show players fighting it out on at least a few different maps.

Gambit will be just one of several new features that’s added to Destiny 2 when the Forsaken expansion drops on September 4.