Destiny 2’s Eververse Will Become More User-Friendly in Season 4

The Eververse, Destiny 2’s microtransactions-fueled cosmetics shop, has long been a point of contention for more dedicated players even as far back as when it was introduced in the original Destiny. To its credit, Bungie has taken steps to make the Eververse feel like a fair and natural part of Destiny 2’s economy, and it will be making even more changes to how the shop operates when the game’s fourth content season launches alongside next month’s Forsaken expansion.

As it explained in the most recent This Week at Bungie blog post, Bungie’s major goals for the Eververse in season 4 is to make it more transparent, more user-friendly, and more expansive. With that in mind, the following changes will be implemented once season 4 goes live:

  • Destiny 2 players will be able to log into and view both the Bright Engram reward probabilities and their personal purchase history.
  • Along with new emotes, Exotic weapon ornaments, ships, sparrows, and Ghost shells, season 4 will see the debut of two brand new cosmetic item types: Ghost projections and Legendary weapon ornaments.
  • Eververse vendor Tess Everis will offer her own series of bounties which will allow players to earn additional Bright Dust.
  • Whenever a player redeems a Bright Engram, they’ll be given a single bounty note, and they’ll be able to trade specific numbers of bounty notes for increasingly lucrative Bright Dust bounties.
  • Currently, Bungie plans to offer three Bright Dust bounties: one bounty note for a 20 Bright Dust bounty, three notes for a 70 Bright Dust bounty, and six notes for a 150 Bright Dust bounty.
  • The Prismatic Matrix will also return, and players will be able to earn a free use of the Matrix each week by buying a special Eververse bounty that costs 250 Glimmer.
  • Eververse armor pieces acquired from Bright Engrams will have randomized perks, whereas armor earned from the Prismatic Matrix or the Bright Dust storefront will have a fixed perk loadout.

For more on how Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion and season 4 will be changing the game, be sure to read about the previously detailed economy changes and the retiring of Heroic strikes.