Destiny 2’s Forsaken Expansion Will See The Return of Daily Heroic Missions

Destiny 2’s upcoming Forsaken expansion will be introducing a healthy number of new gameplay features, including a new bow and arrow weapon type and a PvE/PvP hybrid mode called Gambit, but it will also be bringing back a few fan-favorite features from the original Destiny. In a recent interview with GamesRadar, Bungie confirmed that one of those returning features will be daily heroic story missions.

Heroic story missions will make their return in Forsaken.

In the original Destiny, daily heroic story missions allowed players to attempt harder, endgame-tuned versions of the game’s standard story campaign missions, earning appropriately leveled loot in the process. Along with being one of the few endgame activities that could be undertaken by solo Destiny players, the daily heroic missions also featured randomized modifiers which helped them continue feeling fresh and exciting over the long term. During the GamesRadar interview, Bungie’s Steve Cotton touched on daily heroic story missions, confirming that they will be added to Destiny 2 as part of the Forsaken expansion’s launch:

“We’re bringing back Daily Heroic Story missions, so we’re actually adding more ways to go out and get more Power. You can do the Heroic Story missions, other daily challenges, some that are less frequent than daily but more frequently than every week, that kind of stuff.”

Giving Destiny 2 players more things to do once they reach the endgame is certainly key, since for now there isn’t much incentive for those who don’t raid or do PvP to keep playing once they’ve finished their weekly Power Engram milestones. If the daily heroic story missions provided suitably enticing rewards, they would give endgame players of all stripes a new ongoing incentive to log in and play each day, one that didn’t require grouping up with other players. For now, we don’t know for sure whether or not Destiny 2’s daily heroic story missions will function in the same manner as they did in the original Destiny, but the mere fact that they’re making a return should be good news for a large portion of the Destiny fan community.