FFXIV Smoked Bacon Ingredient: Where to Get This Ingredient for Recipes

There is so much new content to do right now if you’re reading this in Final Fantasy XIV from checking out the new patch 4.5 patch notes to the Blue Mage. Of course, there is also a ton of content that players can continue to do from older patches. One thing that you can do is look for the FFXIV Smoked Bacon ingredient.

FFXIV Smoked Bacon isn’t an ingredient that you can just find out in the wild like with many others. Instead, there is only one specific way that you can get it in the game outside of the Market Board. As such, it can be pretty annoying to find if you don’t know where to look for it. That’s where we come in. Here’s where to find this particular ingredient.

Where to Find FFXIV Smoked Bacon

FFXIV Smoked Bacon

You can find the Smoked Bacon ingredient in only one place that has nothing to do with other players. You will need to visit the Quartermaster of your respective Grand Company. If you’re part of the Immortal Flames, that means visiting the Quartermaster/Officer in Uldah at the headquarters for that Grand Company.

If you’re in the Maelstrom, that means visiting the Quartermaster in Limsa Lominsa. Should you be part of the Twin Adder, make sure to pay a visit to Gridania’s Quartermaster. Regardless of which one you head to, you will need to pay 250 Company Seals for just one of this ingredient.

If that’s a little too much for you, you can always purchase it on the Market Board. However, your prices may vary depending on your World. The FFXIV Smoked Bacon is used in a few recipes for Culinarian. Those five recipes are Bacon Bread, Bacon Broth, Heavensegg Soup, Loaghtan Cordon Bleu, and Spaghetti Carbonara. They range from level 50 to level 60 Culinarian recipes.