Fortnite Chapter 3 Brings Massive Gameplay Changes

Epic Games has prepared a lot of new things for Fortnite Chapter 3! The new map has arrived as well as new items and the new Battle Pass. However, there are also some huge gameplay changes that will force players to adapt their playstyle. The new chapter will be playable soon, most likely on December 5 at 10 AM Eastern Time.

Just like Chapter 2, Chapter 3 brings a lot of new things to the game. There is no doubt that players will need a couple of weeks to get used to the new changes. However, the overall experience should be positive and the game will feel fresh and new!

Fortnite Chapter 3 will force players to adapt their playstyle

A few months ago, Fortnite leakers revealed the sliding mechanic that was found in the game data. This gameplay mechanic was in the development stage back then, but it’s ready to be deployed in Chapter 3! The Battle Pass trailer shows players sliding down the hill while using their weapons.

Furthermore, players will be able to swing from one object to another. Considering that Spider-Man is also coming to the game, this feature makes sense. With sliding and swinging, there are new ways to surprise enemies and to avoid enemy gunfire.

Finally, extreme weather conditions are coming to Fortnite with Chapter 3! There will be lightning strikes and tornadoes which will affect players. Lightning strikes will probably do some damage to players and their builds, while players will be able to use tornadoes to redeploy their gliders and move quickly around the map.

Fortnite Chapter 3 is bringing extreme weather conditions to the game.
Fortnite Chapter 3 is bringing extreme weather conditions to the game.

There will be many other gameplay changes in Fortnite Chapter 3. However, these are the ones that have been officially revealed and confirmed by Epic Games.

The downtime may end very soon

Originally, many players believed the Chapter 3 downtime would end on Tuesday, December 7. However, the latest leaks claim that the new chapter will come on Sunday! The exact time is 10 AM Eastern Time and many leakers believe this is true.

The Fortnite Chapter 3 island will be revealed very soon.
The Fortnite Chapter 3 island will be revealed very soon.

At the moment, players are stuck on the downtime screen, floating in the ocean. Soon, the camera will rotate and reveal the new island. The update is available for download on every platform, so make sure you download it before the downtime ends!