Fortnite’s Playground Mode To Get More Customization Options

The Playground is one of the most popular game modes in Fortnite Battle Royale. This mode allows players to practice without being interrupted by enemies, and players can set custom options for it. Additionally, the community has come up with some amazing mini games players can set up and play in the mode.

Two weeks ago, Epic Games has enabled custom options for the Playground mode. While there aren’t many customization options in the game right now, they still make the game much more fun. However, it appears that we will get many new options to customize the mode with.

Playground mode will get more customization options in Fortnite

Customization options for Playground mode

Epic Games had initially added seven customization options for the practice mode. Players can now set different values for their shields and health, different time of the day and also change gravity. Additionally, the game allows players to turn off fall damage and to keep their items after getting eliminated.

Twitter page @FNBRLeaks has leaked some more customization options Epic Games will add to the Fortnite’s mode. It appears that the developer will add more gravity options, as well as custom options for damage, different loot levels, movement speed modifiers, and more.

According to the Twitter data miner, Fortnite players will also be able to enable friendly fire in the Playground mode. Furthermore, the upcoming options will let players enable glider redeployment, which will most likely be the feature from the Soaring 50’s mode.

As for the in-game loot, players will be able to set it to scarce, regular, or to “lots of loot.” There will also be three options for the damage multiplier: half, regular, and double. There aren’t any details on the movement speed multiplier, but we can expect it to be similar to the damage multiplier.

Epic Games will most likely release another patch next Wednesday, and this is when we could get more customization options.