All Four New Maps in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 6

With yesterday’s launch of Season 6 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone, players got access to a whole slew of new content; the Verdansk subway system, two new Operators, two new guns, etc. In addition, the new season brings with it four new maps for Modern Warfare’s multiplayer. Alongside two core mode maps, the four feature a new Gunfight map, as well as one for Ground War.

Modern Warfare Season 6 – Core Mode Maps

The first of the four new maps available in Modern Warfare Season 6 is Broadcast, a returning classic from the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This map actually features in Verdansk as the BCH4 TV Station, and now it’s available as a standalone multiplayer map once again. Inside, the map spans the central newsroom and outer atrium, as well as sections of the building’s roof.

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The other new core mode map is Mialstor Tank Factory. Unlike Broadcast, this map is available for both 6v6 and 10v10 modes. (In fact, the dimensions of the map will actually change depending on the size of the game mode.) The map itself is set in and around the namesake tank factory, with a wide range of surrounding buildings. The 6v6 version of the map removes access to the eastern apartment sections, as well as the gas station and structures to the west.

New Gunfight & Ground War Maps

The smallest of the four new maps in Season 6 is Station, a brand-new Gunfight map. As a Gunfight map, Station is designed for 2v2 combat, and as such, is very tightly enclosed. The ‘Station’ itself is on the southern part of the map, while a small platform offers a more open area to the north. Cover is scattered around both sections, mostly in the form of boxcars and cargo containers.

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The fourth and final new map of Season 6 is Verdansk Riverside. This new Ground War map is, as the name implies, a section of the larger Verdansk map from Warzone. On that map, the area lies across the river from the Airport, south of the Arklov Peak Military Base. The map is relatively unchanged from its Warzone iteration, aside from the inclusion of some invisible boundary walls.