Here’s How To Transfer Pokemon From You Mobile To Pokemon Let’s GO

Pokemon Let’s GO has just launched on Nintendo Switch, bearing expectations of being the next big exclusive for the console. Apart from a new catch system and updated graphics, the new game includes full integration with Pokemon GO. Both games share the pokeball throwing mechanic. Other than that, you can also transfer Pokemon from the mobile game to the Switch. Want to know how? Then continue reading.

To transfer anything you want to Pokemon Let’s GO, you first have to connect your Pokemon GO account to your Nintendo Switch.

To do that, head to Pokemon GO and tap on the pokeball icon. After that, go to the settings and tap on Nintendo Switch. Connect your devices by logging in and you’re set from that end.

How to transfer pokemon to Pokemon Lets Go

Press the X Button to open the main menu on Pokemon Let’s GO on Nintendo Switch, and then press the Y Button to select Options. In addition, Select “Open Pokémon GO Settings.” After the question of pairing the games, click yes. When everything is done, you can tap on each one you want to transfer and move it to your Nintendo Switch.

However, the transfered species won’t immediately show on you game. You’ll have to go to the GO Park and select “Bring Pokemon”. Select the park you want and click yes to receive one. All those you have received will pop up in your park and can be kept there or moved on your inventory to use in game.

As you can see, the procedure is pretty straightforward. You’ll have to remember though, that you’ll have to head to the GO Park in order to retrieve them. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that you can transfer only Kanto pokemon. The Nintendo Switch game only includes Kanto region species. Unlike Pokemon GO, it seems very unlikely that other generations will be coming in the future.