How to Create a Clan in The Division 2

Division 2 is out right now for all platforms and players around the world. This comes after a few days of early access for some versions of the game. While we have already covered the party size you can have in Division 2, what about creating a Division 2 Clan? How do you go about doing this and what are clans all about?

In this guide for The Division 2, we are going to let you know everything you need to know about the Division 2 Clan system. We are going to let you know how you can start a clan right now or join an existing one. In addition, we will also let you know how big a clan can be for the game. Without further ado, let’s go ahead and get started on this.

How to Start a Division 2 Clan

Division 2 Clan

First and foremost, what are clans in The Division 2? Well, they are your typical persistent groups like guilds in other major online games. These are great for seeing who’s online to play with as well as show off just how great your team is. To create a clan, you are first going to want to head to the Theater settlement.

You can upgrade this settlement and recruit new people by completing missions. You are going to want to complete as many missions as possible until you recruit Grace Larson. She is the second member you can recruit. Once you recruit her, return to your White House base and chat with her there to create a Division 2 Clan.

With your Division 2 Clan, you customize stuff like the group’s name, symbol, and so on. You can also join a clan by talking with Grace. The max number of players who can join a single clan in the game is 50 players. Stay tuned for more guides like this one.