How to Earn Free Fortnite Cosmetic Items During Fortnitemares 2021

Epic Games has released the v18.21 update for Fortnite Battle Royale on October 19. This update has added free Fortnite cosmetic items players can earn for a limited time. Furthermore, there is a lot of new content Epic has added with it, including a new boss and a new landmark.

The free cosmetic items in Fortnite can be earned during the Fortnitemares event, which means that players have around two weeks to complete the necessary quests. However, they are definitely worth it as these free rewards may not return to the game ever again.

Free Fortnite cosmetic items in the 2021 event

In total, there are eight cosmetic items players can earn from the 2021 Halloween event. These rewards include the Cube Queen, which is the only skin/outfit that can be unlocked during the Fortnitemares event. However, unlike the other items, this skin is not free and players have to own the Battle Pass to obtain it.

A new pickaxe can be earned by completing Ariana Grande's questline.
A new pickaxe can be earned by completing Ariana Grande’s questline.

This is the list of the free Fortnite cosmetic items players can earn after the update:

  • All-Weather Extractor Pickaxe – Complete Ariana Grande’s Monster Hunter Punchcard
  • Cube Cruiser Glider – Complete Dark Jonesy’s The Oracle Speaks Punchcard
  • Raven’s Curse Spray – Complete any Fortnitemares 2021 quest
  • Moonlit Duel Loading Screen – Complete two Fortnitemares Quests
  • Wrathful Breakout Contrail – Complete three Fortnitemares Quests
  • Thinking Juice Back Bling – Earn 2,000,000 combined team points in Horde Rush mode
  • Fortnitemares Spray – Earn a team score of at least 400,000 in Horde Rush

While most of these tasks are relatively easy, some of them may take a lot of time. Considering that players have to complete Ariana Grande’s and Dark Jonesy’s punchcards, getting all the free rewards could take a while. Each punchcard consists of five challenges, but they are pretty simple and straightforward.

Where to find Ariana Grande and Dark Jonesy

Ariana Grande can be found at the Believer Beach pier and players will have to interact with her to complete her questline. On the other side, Dark Jonesy is located at Steamy Stacks. Completing his quests will reward players with a new glider, while Ariana’s questline rewards players with a fancy new pickaxe!

The Cube Cruiser Glider is one of the free Fortnite cosmetic items players can get from the Fortnitemares 2021.
The Cube Cruiser Glider is one of the free Fortnite cosmetic items players can get from the Fortnitemares 2021.

In addition to this, Fortnite players will earn 30,000 XP for each completed quest from the two punchcards. In total, this is 300,000 XP, which is a nice leveling boost!